Blog Charco del Palo

February 2022

Mask requirement outdoors is no longer applicable

Mask requirement outdoors is no longer applicable

Blog Charco del Palo
Thank God the mask requirement outdoors was dropped again in Spain (at least if one keeps a minimum distance), after it was introduced across Spain shortly before Christmas due to the current virus variant by Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez. In addition, there is no longer the need to show the vaccination certificate when entering in a restaurant on the Canary Islands, although this legal regulation has never been implemented in practice... read more...

Wie wahr! Aber wir kommen zum Glück bald nach Lanzarote! Und hoffen, dass bis zu unserer Rückkehr der Verstand zunimmt und ein achtungsvolles Miteinander möglich wird! Jetzt freuen wir uns riesig auf Charco Palo!

Wünsche einen schönen Urlaub!

is the activity fully recovered in Charcopalo ? restaurants? Thursdays bbq?

Yes, all is open, but no more BBQ un thursday

Again and again

Again and again

Blog Charco del Palo
Actually, I don´t like to write it, at least not with these words, but in my opinion you can´t put it any other way: The German Foreign Office has once again published a travel warning for Spain on its website. After several European countries are relaxing their corona measures, the government of the Federal Republic of Germany thinks that it has to take an even tougher course. In doing so, it is... read more...

Mike Tovar:
Ich zitiere mal den besten Kanzler den wir je hatten. „Man darf die Dummheit von Regierungen nicht unterschätzen!“ Helmut Schmidt (1918 - 2015)